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Regression Suite Automation tool with Advanced warehouse don’t miss this new parameter

In June 2021 Microsoft released version 10.0.19. Along with that is a new parameter for RSAT and advanced warehouse management. If you are familiar with the creation of RSAT test recordings using the warehouse app task validation tool one thing you need to be aware of when you upgrade to 10.0.19 is a new parameter that turns that tool on and off.

Another pain point for many people is that the warehouse app task validation tool was only available on tier 1 environments. With this new parameter also comes the ability to have the warehouse app task validation tool to work with tier 2 environments.

The parameter exists so that the warehouse app task validation tool can be turned off in production environments. This tool carries a lot of overhead and you do not want it turned on in Production.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ambrose

    Hello Scott,
    Thanks for all your content and I have learn from these content massively and thanks for the information on how to and Turn on: Enable RSAT report. Can you create a content on how to use the functionality from the Mobile App.

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