Dynamics 365 Advanced Warehouse New Mobile App User and Administrator Functions

When using the current Dynamics 365 Advanced Warehouse Mobile App the user settings don't follow the user when they login to a different device. With the new Dynamics 365 Advanced Warehouse New Mobile App the user settings are saved in Dynamics 365.

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Advanced warehouse sales order picking featuring the new advanced warehouse management app

Dynamics 365 advanced warehouse sales order picking is one of the more requested topics that people ask me about. Advanced warehouse sales order picking is not really that hard to setup. There are really four pieces that need to be setup. The wave templates, work templates, location directives, and mobile menu items.

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Advanced Warehouse Purchase Order Receiving With the New Warehouse Mobile App

One of the first videos I ever created was advanced warehouse purchase order receiving. That video has been around a while and we have a new warehouse mobile app so I thought that it was about time that I created a new video to show you how advanced purchase order receiving works in 2021 with the new warehouse mobile app.

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Power Apps for Dynamics 365 – Filtering data based on users default company

When creating power apps for Dynamics 365 many times it is necessary to filter down to a specific company. The entities that are used from Dynamics 365 contain data for all companies. To give the user a consistent experience you should filter the data with the company

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Create a Sales order using Power Automate | Power apps for Dynamics 365

Recently I was working on a canvas app solution, and part of that solution was being able to create a sales order in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. If you think about it this is an important skill when creating power app solutions for Dynamics 365. Inevitably you will be trying to invoice someone for something you are doing.

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Create a user notification in a power apps canvas app

In last week's video we talked about creating a pop up dialog box in a power apps canvas app. This week we will take a look at a little bit simpler solution. There is a function called notify that we can use to send different types of notifications to the user. Take a look at the video below to see how to use the notify function.

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